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How working with a career coach can help.

A career coach (sometimes called a job coach) can help you identify the right role for you and then help you make the transition into your new role. Career coaching integrates career research and complex psychological theory with current knowledge about the job market and organizational processes.

A career coach is well placed to help you understand the world of work and your own personal development. Career counseling, the technically more complex side of the work, combines discussion with a career coach and feedback from a variety of specialist exercises. It takes into account factors outside of work which often influence your happiness and effectiveness at work.

At Personal Career Management, all of our career coaches are trained and highly skilled at both the career counseling aspect and the job search side. This means the same coach can work alongside you throughout the process. If you know exactly what you want but simply want help getting there, and select one of our job search programmes, you’ll still benefit from your coach’s expertise in career counseling as they will be able to work more in depth with you to ensure the quality that make you unique are reflected within your job search campaign, putting you ahead of the competition.

 Selecting a career coach

Career coaching is its own specialist area. Whilst there are many ‘coaches’ out there, the vast majority are self-taught in terms of career work and so you should look for specific training in career coaching.

We go to great lengths to select our career consulting team and look for a combination of qualifications specifically in career coaching, personal senior level experience and experience in working with clients through career transition. Their approach to the work in terms of high ethics, skills, enthusiasm, best practice and shared values for what we stand for are key. We may take on two new coaches a year out of hundreds from the industry who apply. We’re rightly fussy! Once on board they receive additional training and ongoing technical supervision.

When you meet with us for your initial meeting, we are also working out which of the team will work best with you. All are superb, but they will all bring their own individuality with them to their work. All this means that by working with Personal Career Management you’ll receive the very best in careers coaching that’s available.

 Career coaching can help if you are looking to:

  • Improve your career progression with your current organization.
  • Move into a new external role.
  • Explore your career options.
  • Change career direction.
  • Overcome a feeling of being “stuck” career-wise.
  • Position yourself for future opportunities.
  • Proactively manage career risks such as the threat of redundancy.
  • Realign your working life and personal priorities.

 What programmes do we involve?

Our career coaching programmes are always tailored around your specific needs but they will typically include some or all of the following.  Working with a highly experienced career coach you will be able to:

  • Assess your current skills, experience and requirements.
  • Explore your career options and make a clear, realistic career action plan.
  • Market your skills to internal and external recruitment decision-makers and uncover opportunities.
  • Access the specialist information, market intelligence and resources you need.
  • Obtain the job you want and enhance your employability for the future.

Vision Plaza, Mombasa Road, Nairobi Kenya

  • Email:
  • Phone: +254 (0)722 965 220
  • Mobile: +254 (0)733 869 782
  • Mobile: +254 (0)780 869782

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